June 2021 We pray in one accord for our nation. Help us to be the people you want us to be and accomplish the things you have set before us. Help us to stand firm and not doubt your goodness. We thank you now for things not seen and know you will lead us on the path we should go. According to your word. Amen
May 2021 I walk with the Lord here--repeating this everywhere you go is a declaration and a reminder that the Lord is always with us....walking with us, speaking to us and surrounded in his love. We prayer to you Lord as we walk today. We call in praises to you and will stay in constant prayer today for our nation and neighborhood. Let your glory be over all the earth!

April 2021 We pray for your guidance in difficult times. We pray for wisdom and knowledge and understanding. We thank you for our victory already won.
March 2021 We pray in agreement for your goodness Dear Father to reside in our hearts today and help us to never forget you are with us always and forever.
February 2021 Teach us the knowledge of your glory. We want to know you more. Give us understanding of your word and experience your presence of comfort and joy. Thank you for your many blessings every day.
January 2021 Our New Year Prayer: Help us know you more, Help us live this year by your word. We will praise you every morning. Amen
December 2020 Dear Heavenly Father, WE are thankful you sent your son to be born to us. We love to read the story in the bible and pray the words become more powerful in our lives for daily living and helping others know you more. Amen
November 2020 Stand firm knowing what the bible says on every subject that concerns you. Stand firm, hold fast, and keep your eyes focused on what you know is truth. Dear Heavenly Father, Help us keep our eyes on you and stand firm in the day of trouble and thank you for getting me/us through each day in your promised victory.
October 2020 We pray together and ask our Father In Heaven to hear our cry for our nation. Bless our good leaders and forgive us our corporate sin and bring us into your blessings as an entire nation. Amen
August 2020 Do you ever get that urgent feeling you need to pray about something or somebody? It's time to be in earnest prayer for our nation. What does that mean? It means 'intense conviction'. Spend extra time these coming months in your prayer closet, with prayer groups, and with family. Pray for our President, our leaders at every level of government, our communities and our brothers and sisters around the world. Give God your attention and go boldly to the throne of grace and make your needs known.
July We pray for freedom today. Freedom for our nation, community, family, and personally. We pray to understand our freedom in Jesus.
June Always pray. Jer 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Pray for one another to have strength to face each day
May I Thessalonians 5:16- Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you
As we look forward to Passover next month, we pray this health crisis will pass over quickly and the Lord provide peace to hearts and minds.
Youtube video for our community: #lightupwells
Pray for one another that all be strong in this life: body, soul, and spirit. Fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much James 5:16 NKJ