June 2021 I took break from the heat today and watched a movie. A man was traveling through Texas working his way home after the war. This was around 1870. It wasn't easy traveling in those days. He had a horse and rickety old wagon. He would stop to rest for the night, build a fire, have some coffee and then bed down on the ground. I instantly thought, I would sleep in the wagon...just think of all the bugs and snakes and whatever crawling all over. Every day I thank God for all our modern conveniences. If you are having a rough day...just stop and start listing all the good things you enjoyed today-bed, air conditioning, fresh food, sunshine, water, and so much more. And remember to help someone else enjoy the day. Sing his praises. Sing to Him a new song.
May 2021 Isaiah 55:10-11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. The word of God, spoken in faith in the Name of Jesus, has awesome power to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. We have to believe the word the Lord speaks to our heart...stand steadfast. "Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord."

April 2021 I picked up a book today about military special forces. I'm going to learn how they train, the weapons they use, the strength they need to carry out their assignments. Isn't that what we need to be in the Lord's army? I remember that song we sang in vacation bible school- I'm in the Lord's Army. And for some reason I just loved that song. And what is that other song about putting that sly fox in a box and throwing away the key. If you remember that song, let me know so we can sing it together. You know , that sounds like it just might be a special forces maneuver we need to relearn. I don't like those tricks that fox plays and you know what? We do have the key to lock him up. Our key is Jesus. When you sign up to be in the Lord's army...it's for life. And training goes on for a lifetime. Don't give up and remember to help the soldier next to you to keep going. Matthew 16:19 ESV
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
March 2021 I've enjoyed watching young people ride the toboggan at the park, build snowmen and sled down the hills. Winter can be fun when you participate in outdoor activities. It takes a lot of energy to build a snowman or ski through the countryside. Coming inside and setting by the fire to warm up is a good time to hold a bible study with friends. A little outdoor exercise and a good bible study can keep you feeling good. Tell a few stories and share a good laugh. God's word tells us laughter is good for you. Proverbs 17
February 2021 I'm starting to read a book titled Sea of Glory. It made me think of that verse about the glory and the sea. Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory Psalms 72:19 How much do we really know about the glory of God. Take time to study the scriptures this month and count how many times you find glory.
January 2021 Happy New Year New Year Verse Psalm 25:4-5
Show me your ways, O Lord; Teach me your paths, Lead me in your truth and teach me, For you are the God of my salvation; on you I wait all the day. Start a new year learning to walk 'your paths' and know 'your truth'. Learn to wait. Why wait?
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
They walk and don’t lag behind. Isaiah 40:31
December 2020 Come and adore Him. Many people enjoy singing Christmas songs and playing Christmas music on the radio. How many people like those stations that play Christmas music all day? I do. We reminisce about those wonderful Christmas memories when we were kids and enjoy our Christmas traditions. No matter how old you get Christmas is a special time of year. It may be difficult for some people to get through the holidays but we can find comfort, comfort and joy as the song goes, knowing our Savior that was born is still with us daily giving us comfort all year long. Give the gift of comfort and joy this year to others you know could use a big hug. It can mean a lot to someone just to receive a Christmas card in the mail.
November 2020 What do I believe? Will God listen to me when I'm hoping? Hope: to expect with confidence -trust Believe: to accept something as true-to have a firm or wholehearted religious conviction or persuasion : to regard the existence of God as a fact. We need to know what the bible says about living today and share with boldness and confidence every word.
If you step out in faith and share Jesus, the Holy Spirit will use you and empower you as His instrument. You can always trust in the Holy Spirit.
October 2020 Fall has arrived and the leaves are turning gold . The days are getting shorter and soon we will want to hibernate like the animals to keep from the winter cold. Now we throw on a sweater and run outside to enjoy the cool air and build a campfire to warm our toes. We enjoy time with family and friends, laughter and a toasted marshmallow melts in your mouth. In these days of chaos and confusion we don't forget that our great God hasn't forgotten us. Read the scriptures and let them refresh you like the cool fall air. For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations. Ps 99:5
September 2020
Do you look forward to a long weekend? It's Labor Day this month and we say 'Woohoo' a day off. What shall we do? Here are some ideas: get together with friends and family, go on a picnic, take a nap, read a book, play games, go hiking, take a sick neighbor some chicken soup, or nothing at all. We all need a break now and again. After you get rested, you can get ready for another day to observe with your Jewish friends-Rosh Hashanah and then Yom Kippur.
August 2020
Trials and Tribulation There are times we just don't understand why things go the way they do. Why me, Lord? What's happening? We have all asked that many times these last few months. We can find the answers in the bible. Wouldn't it be nice if people would just read the bible and then... you know the saying-we could all get on the same page. It would be easy to get angry and tell people that other saying, 'get with the program, buddy'. We have to remember how blessed we are to have the answers that other people so desperately need. We are blessed to know the ultimate answer to life and living, birth and death, and everlasting life. What is the meaning of all this craziness? It's time to share a word of love and hope before it's too late. We look forward to our blessed hope Jesus Christ coming again.
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Titus 2:13 KJV
July 2020
This month we celebrate freedom. Does the bible say anything about freedom? Yes! We can find many verses and lessons on freedom. One of my favorites in John: the truth will set you free. We do have absolute truth to live by and the bible tells us how to obtain truth for living and live free in Jesus Christ. Take time to search the scriptures this month for verses on freedom and hold them in your heart. John 8:36 Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed (KJV) This is our ultimate freedom.
Celebrate the fourth of July and have fun!
A profitable bible study: one must comprehend, meditate, and apply the word. A person must be born again to understand the scriptures. Proverbs 2 says: If you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding, and search....then you will understand and find knowledge of God. The bible says if we search for God we will find him. We have days that it just doesn't seem like God is to be found but continue to read and search....He is always with us. Thank God today that His word is always working for our benefit. He has already promised to be with us....forever.
Flowers are blooming and buds are bursting open on the fruit trees. All of nature is coming to new life. The last couple months have been a big challenge for most people but today is a new day. We may see things a little differently now but God is still the same and we can count on him and his words to us to be true and ever faithful. If you feel unsure of the future and need a little encouragement....remember Moses' words to the people as they faced enemies and fear: Be strong and be of good courage...the Lord will never leave you. I sit in my garden and watch the blue birds tending to their nest. The iris and lilies are growing next to the redbud tree. I smell the perfume from the blossoms of the wild plum tree and I take time to pray for our nation, leaders and freedoms. Join together in prayer and thanksgiving.
April 2020
April 5 Palm Sunday**April 9 Passover**April 19 Good Friday**April 12 Easter***April is a big celebration month!
The first Passover story is told in the book of Exodus. God's people were given instructions to follow for their deliverance from slavery...the story of the Passover Lamb some 3,500 years ago. Today, we celebrate our Passover Lamb, Jesus. He gave his life so all peoples may be free from sin and receive the promise of eternal life with him. He died and rose to life for you and me. Invite Jesus in to your life today. Pray for our nation this month that people would recognize their need to know the Passover Lamb, Jesus. He said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to Father but by me."
March Devotion Purim March 9-10, 2020
Spring Forth! Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season...A special time came to the life of Hadassah, a young Jewish woman. When her mother and father died, she went to live with her uncle, Mordecai. One day she was captured and put under the custody of Hegai in the king's palace. She became queen of Persia and made great sacrifices to save her people from annihilation. The celebration of Purim commemorates this story.
Purim is the plural form of the word `Pur', and thus means "lots". The festival is called Purim because of the lots cast by Haman...the man that wanted to destroy the Jewish people.
Have fun teaching the children about Queen Hadassah/Esther by baking kreplach or hamantashen pastries and reading Purim Chicken by Margery Cuyler and Puy Pinillos.
Remember to fast and pray for your family, neighbors, and nation.
February Devotion
Many people enjoy playing in the winter snow-skiing, sledding, and building snowmen. Some mornings we wake to the earth covered in beautiful sparkling snow. We find the beauty of snow in the bible. Is 1:18 though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow AND Matthew 28:3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothing white as snow. Remember God's promises this month and give praise for his blessings. Let It Snow!
Prayer: Thank you Heavenly Father for washing us white as snow and we pray for others to know your love for them.
Do you keep those new year resolutions? Most people give up and loose interest. We start out with great intentions, but those great ideas seem to end up in the lost and found-never to be found. Start a new year thinking of the new things to gain instead of the things we have lost. It's never easy but possible. Find new ways and new friends on your path in a new year. Take one step at a time and you will eventually reach your goal. Pray for God to strengthen you every day. Ps 46 God is our strength and refuge
Suggested Reading: Jesus In Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion by Anne Graham Lotz